API Reference
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API Reference

PRO Unlimited API which queries Data Ocean for Local and National supply/demand metrics.

The response returns and object with the following fields:

  1. "search_terms" : user input
  2. "location_id" : user input
  3. "country_id" : id for country where location_id is located
  4. "supply_percentile" : value showing to what degree predicted supply_direction is increasing/decreasing, higher value equates to greater pressure
  5. "supply_direction" : value indicating if predicted values for coming month is increasing or decreasing compared to last 6 months
  6. "demand_percentile" : value showing to what degree demand_direction is increasing/decreasing, higher value equates to greater pressure
  7. "demand_direction" : value indicating if predicted values for coming month is increasing or decreasing compared to last 6 months
  8. "avg_length_of_assignment" : average LOA of closed engagements at location_id in last 6 months
  9. "avg_candidate_submittal_time" : average time candidates were submitted at location_id in last 6 months
  10. "candidate_pool" : # of candidates submitted / # of jobs posted at location_id in last 6 months
  11. "national_avg_length_of_assignment" : average LOA of closed engagements at country_id in last 6 months
  12. "national_avg_candidate_submittal_time" : average time candidates were submitted at country_id in last 6 months
  13. "national_candidate_pool" : # of candidates submitted / # of jobs posted at country_id in last 6 months
  14. "length_of_assignment_delta_pct" : % difference between LOA metrics at location_id and country_id
  15. "submittal_time_delta_pct" : % difference between submittal metrics at location_id and country_id
  16. "candidate_pool_delta_pct" : % difference between candidate pool metrics at location_id and country_id
  17. "hiring_difficulty" : 0-100 scoring scale, closer to 0 the easier to source at location_id, closer to 100 the more difficult to source at location_id
  18. "difficulty_label" : text value based on hiring_difficulty value
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!